Patient's Information

60s Male

Conditions and Symptoms

Patient's Condition

Seven years ago, the patient underwent surgical treatment (spinal fusion) for spinal stenosis. He was able to exercise after the surgery. However, this year, he started experiencing nerve pain in his left leg, which has made it difficult for him to participate in sports activities. As a result, he sought treatment at our clinic.

Examination and Test Results

Treatment Scene①

This is the X-ray examination of the lower back. The third and fourth lumbar vertebrae are fixed with bolts, and the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae are also fixed. As a result, the adjacent non-fixed area has been damaged, leading to a condition known as adjacent segment disease.

Treatment Content

Discseel Procedure

We are treating three intervertebral discs (L1/L2, L2/L3, L5/S1) in the non-fixed area.

Treatment Scene②

The patient is laid down for the treatment and given a sedative.

Treatment Scene③

We have inserted the treatment needles into the intervertebral discs while the patient's family is observing the treatment from another room.

This is a video of the examination of the intervertebral discs. The patient's family observed it in real-time, and we provided an explanation of the video to the patient after the treatment. The treatment time was about 17 minutes.

A Message from the Clinic`s Director

Today, Dr. Tomioka from Tokyo visited our clinic to observe the treatment. We have been busy all day conducting examinations and treatments while providing explanations. In addition, a lecturer from a medical university in Osaka Prefecture also visited our rehabilitation department, as we have plans to accept student interns (trainees) in August. We are committed to nurturing the next generation while continuing our treatments. Although we have been receiving inquiries from overseas doctors, we have had to decline some of them.

About the Author

Author: Clinic Director Dr. Ysuyuki Nonaka

Clinic Director Dr. Yasuyuki Nonaka

NLC Nonaka Lumbago Clinic offers medical treatment with a combined focus on the spinal conditions that cause low back pain. By introducing advanced treatments from all over the world, we are able to expand the treatment options for patients suffering from back and other spinal diseases, and propose treatment solutions tailored to their symptoms and conditions. Staying focused on diseases such as disc degeneration and disc herniation that cause spinal canal stenosis and back pain, we provide treatments that are less burdensome for elderly patients, for patients considering reoperation, and those seeking to return to society in a short period of time.

Achievement:6,766 Cases
Jun.2018 - Feb. 2025