Message from the Clinic Director

Since opening the specialized back pain clinic in June 2018, we have provided Discseel® practiced in the United States, Ozone Therapy, and Laser Therapy popular in Europe for patients suffering from herniated discs and spinal canal stenosis. By July 2024, we successfully reached over 6000 treatment procedures. Currently, many new patients come based on recommendations from patients who have received our treatment, which is a great pride for all of our staff.

We are currently preparing to provide regenerative-based treatments from stem cells for patients experiencing nerve disorders or other complications post-surgery.

Our clinic is located in Osaka and Tokyo, and we also provide training for doctors. We are preparing to open new branches across Japan in the future.

We are committed to continuing to provide non-surgical outpatient treatments that have been practiced abroad for patients suffering from herniated discs and spinal canal stenosis.

Clinic Director

Director of Soyo-kai Health Foundation
Yasuyuki Nonaka

About the Author

Author: Clinic Director Dr. Ysuyuki Nonaka

Clinic Director Dr. Yasuyuki Nonaka

NLC Nonaka Lumbago Clinic offers medical treatment with a combined focus on the spinal conditions that cause low back pain. By introducing advanced treatments from all over the world, we are able to expand the treatment options for patients suffering from back and other spinal diseases, and propose treatment solutions tailored to their symptoms and conditions. Staying focused on diseases such as disc degeneration and disc herniation that cause spinal canal stenosis and back pain, we provide treatments that are less burdensome for elderly patients, for patients considering reoperation, and those seeking to return to society in a short period of time.

Achievement:6,766 Cases
Jun.2018 - Feb. 2025