Patient's Information
Age: 50s
Gender: Male
Conditions and Symptoms
Patient's Condition
The patient has been experiencing numbness and pain in both legs for the past three years. Recently, the numbness worsened when walking and he started experiencing intermittent claudication, which interfered with his work. He was referred to our clinic by his Russian friend and traveled to Japan for treatment.

The MRI scan of the lower back showed significant deformity and degeneration of the discs between the fourth L4 and fifth L5 lumbar vertebrae, indicating degenerative disc disease and disc herniation. The misalignment of the fourth lumbar vertebra was a sign of a condition known as spondylolisthesis. Ssme as Japanese people, there are no borders when it comes to back pain.
Treatment Content
Discseel Procedure (DST)
Examination and treatment were performed on three damaged discs (L2/L3, L4/L5 and L5/S1).

Through our clinic's interpreter, we provided pre-treatment explanations. Since Russian is the second official language in Kazakhstan, we communicated in Russian, because in Japan there are not many interpreters fluent in the Kazakh language.

This is the process of inserting the treatment needle into the disc. The patient is slightly larger in physique compared to Japanese people, but there is no significant difference.
Video showing the disc being examined. The disc damage was more than moderate and DST (disc seal treatment) was performed. The treatment duration was 20 minutes. Since we conducted the treatment with the assistance of a Russian interpreter, it took a little longer than usual.
A Message from the Clinic`s Director
Currently, we are experiencing an increase in inquiries and reservations for treatment from overseas since the beginning of the month. It is likely influenced by the fact that Discseel Procedure (DST) has been approved by the Ministry of Defense of the United States to treat US army veterans and costs will be covered by their health insurance.
About the Author

Clinic Director Dr. Yasuyuki Nonaka
NLC Nonaka Lumbago Clinic offers medical treatment with a combined focus on the spinal conditions that cause low back pain. By introducing advanced treatments from all over the world, we are able to expand the treatment options for patients suffering from back and other spinal diseases, and propose treatment solutions tailored to their symptoms and conditions. Staying focused on diseases such as disc degeneration and disc herniation that cause spinal canal stenosis and back pain, we provide treatments that are less burdensome for elderly patients, for patients considering reoperation, and those seeking to return to society in a short period of time.
Achievement:6,766 Cases
Jun.2018 - Feb. 2025